2019 - Rebuys and Addons
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Rebuys will be UNLIMITED until the dinner break at roughly 5pm. This allows players to have a little fun without worrying about being kicked out of the tournament. Players may purchase as many rebuys at a time without running out of chips prior.
Rebuys are $20 for 5000 in chips for rounds 1 to 6. During rounds 8 and 9 (just before the dinner break) players will receive 7,500 chips.
Note: players who bust on the last hand prior to the dinner break are NOT required to purchase a rebuy and may move directly to the Fire Sale. Player must announce to their table thier intention to remain in the tournament.
At the start of the dinner break will be the FIRE SALE. Thsee are Add On chips that, like the rebuys, may be purchased in unlimited quantitiy. Add On chips are $20 for 20,000 in chips (4X the original rebuys).
This year - for every 5 Add On's player will receive one extra. Rephrased, for every $100 you spend you get $120 worth in chips.