2019 Poker Event Sponsor Info
The following forms may be used to sign up for the 15th Annual Poker Tournament or to become a sponsor.
Sign up as a player
Become a Sponsor (online form)
Poker Tournament Sponsorship Packages
Under $100
Listed as a donor on our Facebook page / website.
Bronze Level: $250
Name listed on event banners.
Two tournament entries.
Listed as donor on Facebook page / website.
Silver Level: $500
Table sponsorship, with name on table sign
Four tournament entries.
Listed as donor on Facebook page / website.
Gold Level: $1,000
Name and Logo on all printed promotional material.
Company logo on event t-shirts.
Table sponsorship, with name on table sign.
Six entries into tournament
Listed as donor on Facebook page / website.
Platinum Level: $2,500
Recognition in all interviews or broadcast promotions.
Name and Logo on all printed promotional material.
Thanks and recognition in tournament announcements.
Company name and logo on event t-shirts.
Table sponsorship, with name on table sign.
Eight entries into tournament, including automatic entries into optional “side bet” pools.
Listed as donor on facebook page / website.
Presenter Level: $5,000
Exclusive sponsorship level.
Name in event title as presenter.
Speaking slot during opening announcements.
Thanks and recognition in all interviews or broadcast promotions.
Prominent placement of company name and logo on all printed promotional material.
Company name and logo on event t-shirts.
Company logo included on Final Table custom graphic.
Final table sponsorship, with customized emblem.
Ten entries into tournament and automatic entries into all “side bet” pools.
Listed as donor on Facebook page / website
More information on the tournament will be added as the event approaches.