Josh Farler Foundation

2017 Summary








 Buy-in 27 player(s)
 Tournament started
 User initiated next round
 Start of round 2
 Buy-in 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 End of round 2
 Start of round 3
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 3 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Buy-in 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Fred K.
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 3 player(s)
 End of round 3
 Start of break 1
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 End of break 1
 Start of round 4
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 End of round 4
 Start of round 5
 Rebuy 4 player(s)
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 End of round 5
 Start of break 2
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 End of break 2
 Start of round 6
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 3 player(s)
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Rebuy 3 player(s)
 Rebuy 5 player(s)
 Rebuy 5 player(s)
 Rebuy 3 player(s)
 End of round 6
 Start of round 7
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 1 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 Rebuy 2 player(s)
 End of round 7
 Start of break 3
 Add-on 148 player(s)
 Undo bust-out for 1 player(s)
 AKA the return of Kenny Foulks - the 2nd chance winner
 End of break 3
 Start of round 8
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 End of round 8
 Start of round 9
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament Justin 14th
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 End of round 9
 Start of round 10
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 End of round 10
 Start of break 4
 End of break 4
 Start of round 11
Bonus film clip
 End of round 11
 Start of round 12
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament
 Final Table
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Donna
 End of round 12
 Start of round 13
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Mike
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Rachel
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Randy
 End of round 13
 Start of break 5
 User initiated next round
 Start of round 14
Bonus file clip
 End of round 14
 Start of round 15
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Bill
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Mandy
 End of round 15
 Start of break 6
 User initiated next round
 Start of round 16
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Matt
 End of round 16
 Start of round 17
 Busted 1 player(s) out of the tournament - Margaret
 End of tournament
Tournament Champion DT H.

2020 Final Table