Josh Farler Foundation

2014 Recipients

The Josh Farler Foundation is proud to announce its partnering with Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Center (CBCC) and the creation of the Josh Farler Transportation Fund. As part of this fund the following recipients recieved assistance (transportation, food, housing) related to travel during cancer treatment.


Alfredo Leukemia
Belinda Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Carmen Maz Cancer
Charles Brain Cancer
Gabriela Leukemia
Hannah Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Helen Leukemia
Ida Pre Leukemia
Isabel Breast Cancer
James Rectal Cancer
James Ana plastic Astrocytoma
Joan Breast Cancer
Jose Prostate Cancer
Justin Brain Cancer
Lerone Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Lopez Cancer
Patrick Giant Cell Sarcoma
Prince Lung Cancer
Robert Lung Cancer
Saeed Cancer
Shirley Recurrent Breast Cancer
Victor Cancer
